Molecular Basis of Inheritance | Digital notes
- found the chemical nature of Nuclein is acid. - Nucleic acid
- Isolate chemical from nucleus of pus cells of owl.
-This chem. is respon. for inheritance.
Named as Nuclein.
- found the chemical nature of Nuclein is acid. - Nucleic acid
Nuclic acid are of 2 types:-
1)DNA - is a long chain polymer of Nucleotides.
DNA Nucleotides:-
4 type:-
1)Deoxy adnesine Mono phosphate
2)Deoxy thymidine Mono phosphate
3)Deoxy Cytidine Mono phosphate
4)Deoxy Guanosine Mono phosphate
Nucleotide = Nucleoside + Phosphate group
Nucleoside = Sugar + N - base
N - Base:-
1) Purine = 9 membered double ring str.(At 1,3,7 and 9th, N is present.)
2)Pyrimidines = 6 membered single ring structure.(At 1,3 position, N is
Deoxyribose sugar
-At 5th no. (of sugar, phosphoester bond id form with phosphate group)
-At 1st no. (of sugar N - Glycosidic linkage is form with Nitrogen base.)
(1' - 9th) Purine
(1' - 1st) Pyramidin
-In one nucleotide at 3' - OH group is always remain free to attached to the
another nucleotide k/a polynucleotide is from 5' - 3' direction.
-Another chain of polynucleotide attached anti parallel with the help of H -
complete drawing
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